Honour Roll

Name Year Award Description
Robert B. Allen 800 1991 Life Membership Services to Model Aviation especially for negotiations on large models and R/C Frequencies
David Anderson 74 1993 Hall of Fame For long term commitment to FF competition
Ian Avery 2926 1990 Paul Tissander Diploma Service to model aviation especially as RCAS[NSW] Secretary and newsletter editor 1980 – 1990
David Axon 5600 1987 Paul Tissander Diploma Service to model aviation especially as M.A.A.A. President (July 1984 – 1995 )
David Axon 5600 1995 Life Membership Services to M.A.A.A. as President July 1984 to Feb 1995
Bond Baker 704 1960 Life Membership Overseas competition (1958 Wakefield winner)
Alex Barter 1988 Hall of Fame Competitor in first nationals (1938)
Richard Blackam 8740 2002 Hall of Fame Third place at the 2001 World Free Flight Championships
Don Blackam 2009 Order of Australia For service to the community through philanthropic contributions to health, youth and dance sport organisations.
Geoff (Derry) Brown 6 1998 Hall of Fame Long competition history
Merv Buckmaster 1047 1993 Life Membership Services to Model Aviation especially as Editor of “Airborne” magazine.
Gordon Burford 155
& Jose Burford 21909
1982/3 Life Membership M.A.A.A. Secretaries 1973 – June 1984
Gordon Burford 155 1985 Paul Tissander Diploma M.A.A.A. Secretary 1973 – June 1984
Gordon Burford 155 1988 Hall of Fame Competitor in first nationals (1938)
Gordon Burford 155 2000 Hall of Fame Service to Aeromodelling
Arthur Butler 1988 Hall of Fame Competitor in first nationals (1938)
Chris Callow 41405 (pilot)
Kevin Callow 12232 (caller)
1998 Hall of Fame 3rd place individual 1997 F3D World Championships
2nd Team place 1997 F3D World Championships
Chris Callow 41405 (pilot)
Kevin Callow 12232 (caller)
2002 Hall of Fame First Place at the 2001 F3D Pylon World Championship & setting world record
Chris Callow 41405 (pilot)
Kevin Callow 12232 (caller)
2004 Hall of Fame First Place at the 2003 F3D Pylon World Championships & setting an F3D world record
Chris Callow 41405 (pilot)
Kevin Callow 12232 (caller)
2006 Hall of Fame First Place at the 2006 F3D Pylon World Championships & setting an F3D world record
Chris Callow 41405 (pilot)
Kevin Callow 12232 (caller)
 2012 Hall of Fame

1st place individual 2011 F3D World Championships
1st Team place 2011 F3D World Championships

Robert Carpenter 7735 1988 Life Membership Service to M.A.A.A. especially as RCAS[NSW] President 1983 – 1988
Robert Carpenter 1989 Order of Australia For service to the Royal Australian Air Force as Flight Engineer Leader No 36 Squadron RAAF Richmond, New South Wales
John Chadd 17527 1995 Life Membership Service to M.A.A.A. as RCAS[NSW] President 1989 – 1994 and as delegate earlier
Ivan Chislett 24518 2007 Life Membership Services to Aeromodelling including 6 years as MAAA Secretary
Mike Close 32661 2008 Paul Tissander Diploma Services to aeromodelling at the Club, State and Nationals levels and with his involvement in ASAC.
Mike Close 32661 2012 Life Membership For services to the MAAA and aeromodelling.
Arthur Cooper 328 1991 Hall of Fame Long term commitment to aeromodelling
Raymond Cooper 35795 2004 Hall of Fame Setting a World Record – Class F5S – Electric powered aeroplane with rechargable cells, #173 Gain in Altitude
Raymond Cooper 35795 2005 Hall of Fame Setting a World Record – Class F5S- Electric powered aeroplane with rechargable cells,
#174 Distance to goal & return
Raymond Cooper 35795 2007 Hall of Fame Setting World Record – F5-S (Aeroplane, electric motor - 
rechargeable sources of current) #174 Distance to goal & return – 142.8Km
Bruce De Chastel (pilot)
Gary Gau (caller)
1991 Hall of Fame 3rd place 1989 World F3D Pylon Racing World Championships Chesapeake, USA, 1989.
Ronald De Chastel 1531 1995 Hall of Fame Long term service to aeromodelling
Ron & Irene deChastel 2009 Life Membership Pioneering Model Aviation in Australia
Ivars Dislers 10620 1995 Hall of Fame Promotion of C/L Speed and of recognition of disabled flyers
Jack Dunkerton 8 1995 Life Membership Services to M.A.A.A. in its formative years.
Alan Edwards 2020 1992 Hall of Fame Contribution to FF competition
Mark Ellins 2011 Hall of Fame First Place in 2010 C/L Team Race World Championships and setting a World Record in F2C C/L Team Race heats as well as a World Record in F2C C/L Team Race final
Ron Ericson 11457 2001 Life Membership Services to Aeromodelling including terms a M.A.A.A. President (1995 – 1998) and Technical Secretary ( 19 -1995)
Mike Farnan 23627 1997 Hall of Fame Setting a World Record – Class F3C R/C Helicopter – Distance in a straight line
Boyd Felstead 1277 1989 Hall of Fame Competitor in first nationals (1938)
Jac Finneran 2035 1988 Hall of Fame Competitor in first nationals (1938)
Robert Fitzgerald 2011 Hall of Fame First Place in 2010 C/L Team Race World Championships and setting a World Record in F2C C/L Team Race heats as well as a World Record in F2C C/L Team Race final

Robert Fitzgerald 10791
& Mark Ellins 20704

2013 Hall of Fame 2nd place F2C Team Race 2012 World Championships
Tony Frizell 20061 2005 Life Membership Services to the MAAA – development and ongoing support of the MAAA Membership system.
James Fularton 7 1988 Hall of Fame Competitor in first nationals (1938)
Peter Garoni 43428 1995 Hall of Fame Setting World Record – Class F3A R/C Power – #142 Distance in a straight line
Arthur Gorrie 17 1987 Hall of Fame For promotion of aero-modelling in Qld. for more than 30 years
Arthur Gorrie 17 1992 Order of Australia Services to “Toastmasters”and to MAAQ[Inc] as PRO
Bill Grabowsky 1960 Life Membership M.A.A.A. Secretary December 1955 to December 1964
Brian Green 1991 FAI Air Sports Medal and Diploma Services to Australian and International aeromodelling (organizing 1991 F3A, F3C & F3D World Champs)
Chris Greenwood 5121 2001 FAI Air Sports Medal and Diploma Services to Australian and International aeromodelling
Chris Greenwood 5121 2001 Life Membership Services to Aeromodelling including 18 years as M.A.A.A. Secretary (1984 – 2001)
Chris Greenwood 5121 2001 Hall of Fame Services to Aeromodelling including 18 years as MAAA Secretary
Warwick Gregory 15018 1991 Hall of Fame 2nd place 1984 World F4C Scale World Championships
Darryl Gunst 13569 2006 Life Membership Services to Aeromodelling including VMAA President
Russ Hammond 659 1987 Life Membership Services to model aviation especially the publishing of “Model News” over a ten year period.
Peter Harris 24641 2003 Life Membership Services to Aeromodelling including 8 years as Technical Secretary (1995 – 2003)
Basil Healey 9 1998 Hall of Fame For his contribution to Model Aviation over many years
Keith Hearn (posthumously) 2012 Hall of Fame Enthusiastic and innovative contribution to Australian aeromodelling
Francis Hettrich 1583 1991 Life Membership Services to Model Aviation especially as M.A.A.Q. President 1960 – 1990
David Hobby 34026 2005 Hall of Fame First Place at the 2004 F3J Glider World Championships
David Hobby 34026 2006 Hall of Fame First Place at the 2006 F3J Glider World Championships
Brian Horrocks 27 1960 Life Membership Overseas competition (“Gold” C/L Stunt Trophy – UK 1959)
Brian Horrocks 1999 Hall of Fame Services to Aeromodelling
Robert Howie 2 1997 Life Membership Service to M.A.A.A. as Treasurer 1956-1962
Henry Hutchinson 1995 FAI Air Sports Medal and Diploma Services to Australian and International aeromodelling (organizing 1994 Electric World Champs)
Robert Jenneson 3536 1995 Hall of Fame Setting a World Record – Class F3C R/C Helicopter – #163 Distance in a straight line
Alan King 1960 Life Membership Overseas competition (1954 Wakefield winner)
Richard Knox 1990 Order of Australia For service to the Australian Army as Director of Financial and Management Support.
Vasily Kromin 44410 1997 Hall of Fame 2nd Place F4B World Championships 1996
Paul Lagan (New Zealand) 1991 Hall of Fame 2nd F1A 1983 FF World Championships for Australia
Brian Laging 1995 Hall of Fame Setting a World Record – Class F3B R/C Glider – #155 Duration, 28h 00m 28s
Tom Linwood 2011 Hall of Fame Third Place Junior at the 2010 F2D C/L combat World Championships
Ford Lloyd 1798 1988 Life Membership Services to Model Aviation
John Marquette 1287 1988 Life Membership Services to Model Aviation
Alan Martin 1988 Hall of Fame Competitor in first nationals (1938)
David Masterton 14838 1991 Hall of Fame 1st place 1984 World F4C Scale World Championships, Paris, France 1984.
Glenn Matthews 11308 (pilot)
Robin Gray 13931 (caller)
1991 Hall of Fame 3rd place 1985 World F3D Pylon Racing World Championships, Chicopee USA, 1985
Ronald McDuie 1047 1993 Life Membership Services to Model Aviation, especially to the early M.A.A.A.
Joe McGuffin 24051 2010 Life Membership Pioneering Model Aviation in Australia
Theo Merrifield 4713 2007 Life Membership Pioneering Model Aviation in Australia
Mike Mildren 971 1977 Life Membership M.A.A.A. Secretary mid 67 – 1970 M.A.A.A. Technical Secretary 1970 – 1976. Had Constitution revised for Incorp.
Anthony Mott 5867 2011 Hall of Fame Setting World Records in Classification 141 World Endurance Records

Anthony Mott 5867

2012 Hall of Fame World endurance record  29 hours 26 minutes and 55 seconds, 24- 25Feb 2011 Greensborough MAC – Victoria

Anthony Mott 5867

2013 Andrei Tupolev Diploma Setting of World records

Beau Murphy 38619 (pilot)
Barry Murphy 15409 (caller)

 2012  Hall of Fame 2nd place individual 2011 F3D World Championships


1st Team place 2011 F3D World Championships

Doug Murray 4702 1991 Life Membership Services to Model Aviation especially in West Australia
Angus Orchard 15198 1995 Hall of Fame Service to early aeromodelling in Australia
Leo O’Reilly 2365 1991 Life Membership Services to Model Aviation especially as M.A.A.A. Vice-President 1973 – 1979 and SAAA (M.A.S.A.) President
Leo O’Reilly 2365 2001 FAI Air Sports Medal and Diploma Services to Australian aeromodelling
George Pappas 4743 1993 Hall of Fame Long term promotion to aeromodelling
Ranjit Phelan 15217 (pilot)
John Chadd 17527 (caller)
1991 Hall of Fame 2nd place 1985 World F3D Pylon Racing World Championships, Chicopee, USA 1995
Ranjit Phelan 15217
Vernon Gibson 55369
2008 Hall of Fame Third place 2007 F3D Pylon World Championships

Ranjit Phelan 15217 (pilot)
Trevor Henderson (NZ) (caller)

 2013  Hall of Fame  2nd place individual 1993 F3D World Championships
Jeffrey Phillips 26825 2007 Life Membership Services to Aeromodelling
Erica Pike 19499 1995 FAI Air Sports Medal and Diploma Services to Australian and International aeromodelling (organizing 1994 Electric World Champs)
Raymond Pike 5921 2005 Hall of Fame Setting a World Record – Class F5C – Electric powered helicopter, 
#200 distance in a straight line.
Tom Prosser 2149 1987 Hall of Fame For success in competition and assistance to modellers for more than thirty years
Steve Ralph 2507 2007 Life Membership Services to Aeromodelling
Bob Rowe 1988 Hall of Fame Competitor in first nationals (1938)
Martin Simons 20096 1993 Hall of Fame Aeromodelling journalism
Hugh Simons 50935 2003 Hall of Fame First Place at the 2002 Junior F2A World Championships
Hugh Simons 50935 Grant Potter 32361 2009 Hall of Fame Winning the 2008 F2C Team Racing World Championships
and setting a new World Record
Des Slattery 34 2010 Hall of Fame Long Term contribution to free flight and MAAA competitions
Peter R. Smith 4732 1995 Life Membership Service to M.A.A.A. as ACTAA delegate to many National and Annual Council conferences
Colin Somers 16 2007 Hall of Fame Services to Aeromodelling
Max Starick58 1997 Life Membership Services to Aeromodelling – Introduced Hangar Rat
Max Starick 1997 Hall of Fame Services to Aeromodelling for many years and the promotion of the Hanger Rat event
Roy Summersby 2153 2004 Hall of Fame Services to Aeromodelling
Len Surtees 35852 2001 Hall of Fame Setting two free flight world records
David Thomas 7925
Janette Thomas 15520
1996 Hall of Fame Services to Free Flight aeromodelling. Editor of FFDU
John Tidey 3295 1990 Hall of Fame For work with his club and success in competition
Paul Turner 3011 2013 Hall of Fame

For services to Aeromodelling and for his outstanding contribution to the sport over many, many years.

Monty Tyrell 13 1993 Hall of Fame Long term promotion to aeromodelling
Jean Paul Van Leuven 210 1989 Hall of Fame For promotion of F1B and success in international competition
Valerie Vickers 19878 2009 FAI Air Sports Medal and Diploma Contribution to Australian aeromodelling over many years
Garth Wilmot 2538 2010 Life Membership Pioneering Model Aviation in Australia
Graeme Wilson 5894 1996 Hall of Fame C/L Nationals Champion 10+ years
Ken Wilson 1998 Hall of Fame Competitor in first nationals (1938)
Murray Wilson 45798 & Mark Poschkens 51445 2013 Hall of Fame 3rd place F2C Team Race 2012 World Championships
Lyell Winley 4075 1989 Hall of Fame For his work in NSW for aeromodelling and early work with R/C.
Brian Winch 17553 1993 Hall of Fame Aeromodelling journalism
Ross Woodcock 1324 1993 Hall of Fame Aeromodelling journalism ; contribution to scale modelling
Robert (Bob) Young 2095 1991 Life Membership Services to Model aviation as Innovator (Keyboard & Flight Training) and RCAS[NSW] President 1979 – 1983

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