About AWA
Who are the members?
The clubs within the AWA are the actual members. Each club can be represented by delegates at each AWA meeting and as such carry on the business of the AWA.
The actual people who are members of each club are referred to as affiliate members in the AWA constitution. Often these people are also referred to as members of AWA. These members have representation through their club but also can have a direct voice as the AWA Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings, which are also open to all affiliate members.
People join the AWA by either joining a club or joining the AWA direct as a WA Country member. WA Country membership is available to people who live at a distance from a club.
Membership fees
The Membership fees are:
- Club Registration: $40 AWA plus $0 MAAA equals $40 total
- Senior: $40 AWA plus $60 MAAA equals $100 total
- Junior: $10 AWA plus $30 MAAA equals $40 total
Registering Clubs
Each club must pay the club registration fee each year. This ensures that each member club is a financial member of AWA. The Club Member Registration Form is prescribed and so must be used for club registration. This form can be downloaded from the forms page. Clubs are not permitted to register affiliate members with the AWA until the club is registered with the AWA.
Registering Affiliate Members
The clubs collect the AWA fees along with their own club fees and may have different categories of membership. However they must use the above categories when they register their members with the AWA. The AWA registers its members with the Australian body, the MAAA. The rules for AWA and MAAA membership are the same. A junior in any membership year is anyone who hasn’t turned 18 years of age before July 1st of the commencing membership year.
The Member Registration Form can be downloaded from the forms area and can be used to register affiliated club members with the AWA. This form is not prescribed and club treasurers can use other ways, such as spreadsheets, to register affiliate club members with the AWA.
Half year memberships
People joining the AWA after the 1st of January each year can do so for half the fees quoted above, providing they were NOT members of the AWA in the previous membership year. Clubs may have different membership rules and fees but must abide by the above rules when they register their members with the AWA.
Start and end dates
The starting point for membership of the AWA is the moment when a club treasurer receives a member's fees and issues a receipt. The end point of all memberships is the 30th June each year. These are very important dates for insurance reasons. There is no grace period in the Insurance cover. Members are covered when a member pays their membership fees to the club.
MAAA cards
Members of the AWA are eventually issued with a MAAA membership card. The MAAA card acts as proof of AWA membership, there is no AWA card. Typically the MAAA card takes up to six weeks to arrive. A club receipt can act as proof of AWA membership.
Changing office bearers and AWA delegates
Clubs are required to notify the AWA of any changes to office bearers and AWA delegates. The Change of Office Bearers Forms is prescribed and must be used to notify AWA of any changes. There is no fee associated with changing office bearers.
Large Models
Models which weigh between 7 kg and 25 kg are defined as heavy models and as such require a heavy model permit to fly. Permits can only be granted after an Airworthiness Inspection and evaluation process. This includes demonstrating to an MAAA Heavy Model Inspector that the person to be authorised to fly the model has the ability to safely operate the model in flight. Modeler’s who are planning to build a Heavy Model should contact their nearest available MAAA Inspector to discuss any technical aspects and arrange a mutually acceptable location for the inspection & evaluation flight.
Permits are valid for a period of three years from date of issue. A list of qualified Inspectors is provided in the AWA Members Area.
Details of the permit requirements are given in the MAAA Manual of Procedure’s which can be viewed on this site. Details of the Civil Aviation Regulations which govern all model flying including Heavy models can be found on this site also.
Models which weigh between 25 kg and 150 kg are defined as giant models and as such require a giant model permit to fly. Giant Model Permits can only be granted after an Airworthiness Inspection and evaluation process carried out by a Giant Model Inspector.
Gas Turbine and Pulse Jet Inspections
Gas Turbines or Pulse Jets are treated in the same way as above, but different paperwork is required. Weight limits between 7-25kg do not apply, ALL gas turbines or pulse jets require a permit to fly. There is a Manual of Procedure covering these which can be found on this site. Any of these types of models that way over 25kg will require further inspection by a Giant Model Inspector with a Gas Turbine or Pulse Jet Endorsement, as the case requires.
Contact information
Flight Proficiency Scheme
The AWA supports the MAAA Flight Proficiency Scheme. There are three levels of proficiency, bronze wings, silver wings and gold wings. These wings are available for powered flight, gliding flight and helicopter flight. Wings are awarded after demonstration of the required proficiency. The bronze wings for aircraft up to 2kg in weight and the silver wings for aircraft over 2kg is usually attempted after initial training and is generally recognised as the candidate is capable of safe solo flight.
For more information about the scheme you should make enquiries at your club. Information about the requirements and administration of the scheme can be found on this site in the Manual of Procedures.
Completed forms should sent to the AWA Secretary by email or by surface mail to PO Box 670 Mt Lawley WA 6929. Supplies of wings are also available from the AWA Treasurer. Bronze, Silver and Gold wings are free to members as they successfully complete their demonstration of proficiency. Replacement Wings are available to qualified recipients for $6.50 each.
Members wishing to obtain flight training and/or sit for the bronze or silver or gold wings test should make arrangements with one of the instructors in the instructors list on this site.