AWA Council Meeting Minutes
15th February 2016
1. Welcome.
Meeting opened at 8.00pm.
2. Attendees: 21.
Pedro Baldrey, Steve Brown, Ken Greaves, Richard Morrow, Alex J Cunningham, Kevin Hooper, Greg Russel-Brown, Fred Alder, Mal Brunning, Brian Kidd, Geoff Allan, Lex Cunningham, Jerry Sherlock, Malcolm Buckland, Vince Jubb, David Rose, Murray Tingey, Ross Cant, Harvey Trezise, Allan Crinin, Duane Nicholls.
3. Apologies;
Trevor Lechford, Gary Burton, David Quin-Conroy.
4. Previous Minutes.
Move to be accepted: Allan Crinin.
Seconded: Kevin Hopper.
5. Treasurers Report.
Treasures Report Tabled.
16/12/15 LMAC 200.00
18/12/15 Goldfields 100.00
24/12/15 LMAC 300.00
04/01/16 Midwest MWAM 50.00
05/01/16 WAEF 50.00
08/01/16 LMAC 200.00
12/01/16 AMAC 270.00
12/01/16 CLAW 240.00
27/01/16 LMAC 100.00
01/02/16 Merredin 200.00
03/02/16 WARMS 350.00
09/02/16 LMAC 50.00
15/02/16 KAMS 300.00
15/02/16 WARS 590.00
Total 3000.00
14/12/15 Australian Post 77.00
14/12/15 MAAA 4800.00
Total 4877.00
Bank Statement 15/02/16 86,113.53
WC Ac 101,149.86
Balance 15/02/16 187,263.39
Payments to be approved.
15/02/16 MAAA 1335.00
15/02/16 Australia Post 20.70
Move to be accepted: Brian Kidd.
Seconded: Steve Brown.
6. Chairman's Report.
7. Correspondence.
7.1. 24&27/12/15. MAAA Flight Proficiency Scheme Test sheets, one (1) Silver, one (1) Gold.
7.2. 1/2/16. Notification of Swap Meet at WARMS on 20th Feb. Request to include on AWA website.
7.3. 2/1/16. Notification of South Australian Scale Championships, and request for it to be included on AWA website.
7.4. 2/1/16. Letter from Fred Tower re. Hand Launched/Catapult Glider Rules.
7.5. 3/2/16. MAAA/BILL Davies/Richard Neighbour re. clarification on awarding of wings.
7.6. 3/2/16. MAAA re. enquires from clubs re. overdue applications for Area Approvals (does not apply to WA clubs).
7.7. 7/2/16. Soaring Model Society of WA Inc. delegates change of office bearers form (2).
7.8. 8/2/16. Ross Cant resignation letter.
7.9. 8/2/16. G. Russel-Brown requesting MAAA approved instructors and heavy model inspectors.
7.10. Requests for supply of wings from various clubs.
7.11. 8/2/16. WARMS Safety Incident Report. Incident occurred September
7.12. 8/2/16. MAAA Minutes of 2015 Exec. Meeting - 30 January 2016.
7.13. 9/2/16. Greg Russel Brown requesting payment of invoice for two(2) instructors badges.
7.14. 12/2/16. Kevin Hooper re. conditions of Wanneroo Lease i.e. any change to $ cost if membership increases past fifty (50) members.
7.15. 12/2/16. Barry Neumann (Wanneroo) advising of two representatives for AWA.
7.16. 25/1/16. MAAA acknowledging and removing member re. incorrect certification. (Point 7.17)
7.17. 18/12/15. To MAAA, re. Mal Brunning endorsement of Gas Turbine to be rescinded.
7.18. 3/2/16. To MAAA, request to place WARMS Swap Meet information on AWA website.
7.19. Several phone calls/emails to people to acknowledge receipt of correspondence/ immediate follow up.
7.20. 9/2/16. Re. point 6.4. Hand Launched Glider letter. President AWA is following up this matter and will respond to Fred.
7.21. 10/2/16. Notification of Committee Meeting sent to exec. and Club Secretaries.
7.22. 11/2/16. Request to MAAA one hundred (each) Bronze and Silver wings for AWA.
8. Matters Arising.
8.1. Ross Cant resignation letter tabled. Resignation accepted by President.
8.2. Nominations for Interim Treasurer were called. Mal Brunning was elected unanimously by the meeting to fill the position until AGM.
9. General Business.
9.1. Re. point 7.14. Copy of Wanneroo lease to be forwarded to Vince Jubb (Wanneroo). Action. AWA secretary.
9.2. Question and discussion on rolling fee structure in relation to half yearly membership applications. Action. President AWA.
9.3. Question and discussion on AWA/MAAA website. Explanation on the changes made to AWA website to transfer all club information, state news and state information to the MAAA website.
Information on how to access state information etc was given to the meeting. Further questions/explanations on why the AWA site was discontinued.
9.4. AWA Calender of Events to be forwarded to MAAA after tabling/ratification at next Executive meeting. Action. AWA secretary.
9.5. AWA Calender of meeting to be distributed to club secretaries and delegates. Action. AWA secretary.
9.6. Discussion on the change to starting time of Council Meeting from 8.00pm to 7.30pm. All secretaries and delegates will be informed when this change is put in place. Meeting voted unanimously in favour of change. Action. AWA treasurer.
9.7. Fred Alder: calls to Fred from members looking for information and lack of communication to the overall membership. Discussion on how AWA is able to communicate more effectively with the wider membership. Murray Tingey (AWA President) to communicate with members regards what/how changes in AWA are happening. Action. AWA president.
Fred Alder: question from Fred in regards to the defunct Windsock, believes that because it has been discontinued that there is no value in the fees paid, and why was the decision made to discontinue Windsock and go to MAAA website, also questioned if reduction in fees was warranted.
Fred Alder: Question re. the $40 club fee and that he believed that it was unconstitutional. It was agreed that the AWA president would investigate and report back.
Discussion then centred upon reasons for going to MAAA website, AWA costs and loans and that reduction in fees was not warranted but no increase in fees would take place for the 16/17 financial year.
9.8. Communication of Agenda's and Minutes can be improved if they are placed on MAAA website, this was voted unanimously in favour of this being done. Action. AWA secretary.
9.9. Request for agenda items to be sent to the AWA secretary for inclusion into meeting Agenda's. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
9.10. Insurance for bushfire damage to WARMS power lines, canteen stock lose covered in full by MAAA insurance cover.
9.11. MAAA council meeting to be held in Perth. Agenda will be circulated to all club secretaries. Action. AWA president.
9.12. WARMS application for grant to be resubmitted and voted on at next Council Meeting.
9.13. Wanneroo grant application to be resubmitted.
9.14. Motion to change signatories for AWA accounts: Remove Ross Cant and Allan Crinin: Add David Rose and Mal Brunning.
Move to be accepted: Ken Greaves.
Seconded: Pedro Baldrey.
Motion to change signatories for AWA (World Championship Account) accounts: Remove Ross Cant: Add Mal Brunning.
Move to be accepted: Dick Morrow.
Seconded: Steve Brown.
Meeting Closed at 9.40pm.